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Engine Tune-Up

Most people ask today “What is a tune up?”

Well, Some things never change, such as the need for periodic preventive maintenance. But a tune-up is one job that’s changed a great deal over the course of automotive history. The outdated term is still widely used by many people to describe a service procedure that’s supposed to make an engine run better. There’s no absolute definition of what exactly a tune-up should include, but most would agree that it involves replacing the spark plugs and performing other adjustments to maintain or restore like-new engine performance. So what a tune up can mean on your car can be totally different on someone else’s car.

The second question “How do I know if I need a tune up?”

Here are some simple ways to know if you absolutely need a tune up:
Is your car running rough? Lack of power? Hesitation or no acceleration?

It might be time for a tune up!

Harder ways to know if you need a tune up would be noticing slightly worse fuel mileage, slightly longer cranking before starts, louder engine noise or exhaust noise.

In late model cars, a tune up can be anything from inspecting and changing a set of spark plugs, or changing a set of ignition wires and coils to replacing leaking gaskets.

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