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What makes good brakes so important?
Brakes serve as your car’s last line of defense and a necessary component of any healthy vehicle. While seemingly complex, and made up of many interworking parts, brakes themselves are a rather simple mechanism. Working to slow down your car in routine stops or emergency situations, a well functioning brake system is necessary for any working vehicle.

A healthy set of brakes can mean the difference between a safe trip behind the wheel and a fender bender or serious accident. You will only feel safe and secure operating your vehicle with a healthy set of brakes. If you postpone regular brake checks and maintenance, you could be setting yourself up for very expensive brake repair in Mississauga.

How do I know my brakes need repairing?

Thankfully, manually checking your brakes takes little more than sound vehicle awareness. As mentioned, poor brakes can lead to accidents and unnecessarily expensive repairs, but all of this can be avoided by being aware of a few simple indicators.

By looking through your tires, you can rather easily see the brake pads and rotors. If they appear to have less than one-eighth of an inch or 3mm of padding, you should seek brake service in here in Mississauga and have them replaced immediately. Further, the rotor disc is also visible and should be metallic without grooves or rough spots. If these are present, you should strongly consider brake repair at our Mississauga location as soon as possible.

It is normal for brake dust to appear on your tires or lower body of your car. This rubs off of brakes and can act as an unlikely indicator of healthy brakes. If you stop noticing this dust, your brakes could be totally worn jeopardizing the overall functionality of your car and the safety of its passengers.

Finally, when driving, you can pay attention to certain sounds and feelings emitted by your vehicle. While not always an indicator that your brakes need attention, a high pitched screeching noise when you brake usually means your brake pads need to be replaced. If this screeching turns to a grind, your pads have likely gone from semi-worn to completely gone. Additionally if your car begins to shake or pull, you should seek brake service in Mississauga as well.

While you can easily perform these little checks on your brakes, the savviest of car owners will have their brakes checked in Mississauga by one of our professionals at least once a year. By having a professional thoroughly inspect your brake pads, fluids, rotors, hoses, and brake lines you can be sure that any eventual brake repair in Mississauga will be nothing more than routine maintenance. We care about your safety above all else, so book an appointment to service your brakes at our shop at 1098 Lorne Park Road today.

Why choose Rankin’s Auto for brake repair in Mississauga?

When it comes time for your brake repair, we have the tools necessary and the skills required to potentially save you money, depending on the condition of your brakes we can usually save costly extra parts that another shop would change simply because they don’t know that caliper slides can be free’d up or fluids can be replaced in order to repair, rather than replace they don’t take the time needed to fix your vehicle property. We pride ourselves on Professional vehicle repairs instead of being your typical “Parts changers”.

Come in today and leave happy and satisfied with a car that stops smooth and safely.

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